Thursday 6 April 2017

UNBELIEVABLE. boy cuts off his testicles

Not real photo

A 17 years old boy nick named "Xiao Ming" cuts off his testicles saying he is tired of being a man.
The chinese boy was said to have drank too much alchohol before he decided to remove his testicles,he bled a lot due to the incident and was rushed to a hospital for surgical operation,while being wheeled into the surgical room,he kept saying" i want to be a woman'.

The boy who grew his hair long also seemed to have some female characteristics in him because he has been shooting himself with oestrogen.


His decision to change genders did not go down well with his parents, with whom he has since lost all contact.
He received regular support from a group of 58 other young men online, all of whom want a sex change, but who "have no money for sexual reassignment surgery." He stopped attending school in secondary school and had been working odd jobs in order to purchase medication such as oestrogen, which he started giving himself in March 2016.
He is now in stable condition after the operation, but medics said there was no way they would be able to reattach his severed testicles.
Doctor said: "We respect the ideals and decisions of all patients, but I cannot emphasise enough how strongly I advise against self-administering oestrogen and performing surgery on oneself like the patient has done." The medic noted that such DIY procedures carry extremely high risks, chief amongst which are infections and organ damage.

Reports did not state if the boy was visited in the hospital by his parents.

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